MALANG - Malang City Resort Police (Polresta) Malang City stated that as many as 600 joint personnel were prepared to secure the 2021 Christmas and New Year 2022 celebrations in the Malang City area, East Java. Malang City Police Chief AKBP Budi Hermanto said the 600 personnel were a combination of elements of the Army The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and officials from the Malang City Government. "There are approximately 600 personnel, a combination of the TNI and the National Police. That's not the community that has participated in securing the Christmas and New Year 2022," said Budi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 22. According to him, a number of communities in the Malang City area will also be involved and help secure the 2022 Christmas and New Year celebrations. The people involved are expected to optimize supervision so that the celebrations run safely. Budi explained, securing the 2022 Christmas and New Year celebrations. will also use open and closed schemes, according to the situation needed. In addition, we will also utilize Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) belonging to the city government which is already operating. protect Malang City," he said. He added, because until now the disease pandemic due to the spread of the Corona virus has not ended, the Malang City Police have communicated with churches in the area to form an internal COVID-19 task force. He continued, the PeduliLindung application must also be applied by the church to people who will attend offline worship. Worship schedules in churches have also been made to minimize crowds and optimize security. "We have asked each church to form a COVID-19 Task Force, use the Cares to Protect application and report worship schedules," he said.

In addition, the Malang City Police ensure that there are no restrictions during the year-end holidays, which is in accordance with the central government's instructions. Then, related to the diversion of traffic flow, an internal meeting will soon be held by the police. not to apply the imposition of community activity restrictions (PPKM) level 3 throughout Indonesia. Thus, community mobility will be adjusted according to the leveling status in each region. However, the government is still carrying out a number of tightening mainly related to the implementation of health protocols for handling COVID-19. The implementation of PPKM at the end of the year, will continue to follow the assessment of the pandemic situation as currently applies. with a number of tightening including travel conditions will still be tightened, especially for at the border and passengers from abroad.

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