JEMBER - Wagiran, a resident of Kraton Gang 4 Hamlet, Tempurejo, Jember, East Java, was beaten to death with a hammer. He was persecuted after reprimanding a group of youths who rode a motorcycle with a brong exhaust.

This incident occurred Sunday, December 12. Wagiran's head was badly injured by a hammer. Jember Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Komang Yogi Arya Wiguna said the victim was involved in a dispute with a group of youths. The victim, who was resting at his home, was disturbed by the sound of the youth's brong exhaust.

"Finally, the angry victim came to the hangout of the young people, in a field area not far from the victim's house. At that time, it was discovered that the victim was carrying a hammer," he said, Wednesday, December 22.

A fight ensued. Five young men clashed until finally the perpetrator with the initials RS hit the victim's head with a martio.

"During the accident, the hammer was successfully controlled by the hospital. Finally, the hospital hit the victim's head so that his skull broke and blood was pouring out," continued AKP Komang.

After injuring the victim, the group of youths fled leaving the victim's body lying on the side of the road.

"The victim died while being treated at the hospital. It is known from the results of the external and internal post-mortem, there was a head rupture in the skull which resulted in rupture of blood vessels in the brain. So that a lot of blood was issued and oxygen intake was not smooth. Therefore, it caused death to the victim," said AKP Komang.

The perpetrators were later arrested. The police named the hospital as a suspect, while 4 other people were witnesses.

"The initials RS, who was involved in a fight and caused the death of the victim, is a suspect in this case. The other 4 friends are witnesses," he said.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 338 subsidiary Article 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code concerning murder and ill-treatment resulting in death.

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