SUMSEL - The South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) District Government, South Sumatra held a vaccine certificate raid for State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) to ensure that all state servants in the local government had been vaccinated against COVID-19.

"This activity, which is centered in the office area of the South OKU Regency Government, targets ASN and non-ASN," said Regional Secretary of the South OKU Regency Government, Romzi in Muaradua, Antara, Wednesday, December 22.

He explained that the raid was part of efforts to prevent the transmission of COVID in Muaradua City, especially in the South OKU Regency Government. In its activities, it involves the COVID-19 Task Force team to check the vaccine card of each employee.

"Every employee who passes is dismissed to have his vaccine card checked through the PeduliLindung application," he said.

For employees who have not been injected with the vaccine, his party provides a vaccination booth complete with trained vaccinators who are on standby at the raid location. "Employees who have not been vaccinated can vaccinate here," he said.

Not only for employees, the vaccination facility is also open to the general public, making it easier for residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine to avoid the Corona virus.

"So the general public also who pass by we check whether they have been vaccinated or not. If not, we will direct them to vaccinate," he said.

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