JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government canceled wearing a mask on the statue of General Sudirman this afternoon. Head of the DKI Jakarta Cultural Service Iwan Henry Wardhana said that the plan had only been discussed orally.

"It's still a discourse, we're discussing it at the Regional Head Bureau, then we have a small discussion. It's still a discourse, but how come it's been exaggerated," said Iwan when contacted, Wednesday, August 19.

In fact, Iwan admitted that he did not know that the plan to put masks on the statue located on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman had been scheduled for 17.00 WIB.

He even threw this question at the Head of the Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat) Satriadi Gunawan, who first informed the agenda. "Well, just ask Pak Satriadi," said Iwan.

Separately, Satriadi confirmed that the mask installation plan was canceled. "Yes, (the mask was canceled, red), until we wait for further information," said Satriadi.

Even so, Satriadi admitted that he did not know the reason for the cancellation of the plan to put the mask on the 12 meter statue. He also asked the question to be asked to the DKI Jakarta Communication, Information and Statistics (Diskominfotik) Office.

"I do not know what the reason is. It is not our real activity. So, better try to confirm to Diskominfotik," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will put a mask on the statue of General Sudirman. Installation of the statue is planned for this afternoon.

"There is already a plan (to put masks on the statue of General Sudirman)," said Satriadi.

The placement of masks on the statue of General Sudirman has been coordinated to prepare a fire engine. Car ladders are used to reach the face of the statue where the mask will be applied.

"In principle, the fire department only helps the installation process," said Satriadi.

According to him, the DKI Provincial Government will consider the time to put masks on the statue of General Sudirman. This is because the statue is on the main street, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.

The area is also close to the Dukuh Atas BNI MRT Station and the Dukuh Atas Transjakarta bus stop. This means that the traffic rate is always heavy in the afternoon.

"We also have to study it in the meeting later, because in the afternoon we are afraid to disturb traffic," he said.

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