BANDA ACEH - Dozens of houses from 14 villages in Aceh Besar District were damaged by falling trees due to strong winds accompanied by heavy rains.

"Not only people's homes, shops, recitation halls, KDP buildings, PAUD (early childhood education), and coffee shops were also damaged by the strong winds," said Aceh Besar BPBD Head Farhan AP in Aceh Besar, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 21.

Farhan conveyed that based on reports received, there were four sub-districts in Aceh that were affected by the strong winds and heavy rain, namely Lhoong District 12 villages, Darussalam District one village, Seulimum District one village, and Mesjid Raya District one village that was flooded.

Farhan said that 31 houses were damaged by strong winds, with 37 families (KK) affected from 136 people.

"However, thank God so far no residents have had to evacuate due to the disaster," he said.

Not only buildings, continued Farhan, fallen trees also stretched at several points on the location of the Banda Aceh-Meulaboh national road or in the mountains of Paro and Kulu Aceh Besar.

Farhan added that currently the Aceh Besar BPBD officers are still carrying out cleaning at several points where the fallen tree occurred, together with the PU (public works) monitoring unit. Meanwhile, the track is back to normal.

"It is hoped that people who live in areas prone to flooding and landslides will remain calm, alert, alert and avoid panic," said Farhan AP.

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