JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force emphasized that centralized quarantine facilities with costs borne by the government are only for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI), students graduating from study abroad and state civil servants or government employees returning from assignments.

"Indonesian citizens who do not meet the aforementioned criteria are welcome to undergo quarantine at quarantine accommodation or hotels that have received recommendations from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force in collaboration with the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI)," said the Head of Public Communications of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. -19 Hery Trianto in a statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 21.

Hery explained that the provision refers to Circular Letter Number 25 of 2021 concerning International Travel Health Protocols during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Period letter F No. 4 point g which was signed by the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Suharyanto on December 14, 2021. .

The statement was issued after the accumulation of travelers at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport because many returned to the country at the same time. Most of them are migrant workers and the rest are ordinary travelers who are obliged to quarantine in hotels.

Related to this, the Task Force has improved registration procedures, added personnel, and added quarantine rooms to break the queue. Since Sunday, December 19, the quarantine process has been going smoothly.

Quarantine provisions also apply to foreign nationals (foreigners) including foreign diplomats, outside the head of the foreign representative and the family of the head of the foreign representative. They are asked to undergo quarantine in quarantine accommodation or hotels that have received recommendations from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

Meanwhile, the heads of foreign representatives and their families serving in Indonesia can self-quarantine at their respective residences for 10 x 24 hours.

For foreigners who are unable to pay for self-quarantine or treatment if confirmed positive, the sponsors, ministries/agencies and SOEs that give consideration to permits for these foreigners can be held accountable.

According to PHRI data, until December 20, 2021, the availability of rooms for quarantine is 29.66 percent or around 4,920 rooms. Those that have been used are 11,668 or 70 percent of the total 16,588 rooms provided.

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