BATAM - Many teachers who work in the Riau Islands Province (Kepri) are trapped as victims of illegal online loans (pinjol). Not a few are forced to leave the important task of educating children.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Student and Character Development Section of the Disdik Kepri Adimaja High School in a discussion with the Financial Services Authority in Batam, Antara, Tuesday, December 21.

"Many teachers are trapped in illegal online loans. There are many victims, we have received many reports," explained Adimaja.

As a result of the loan, teachers are often 'terrorized' while teaching by the loan officers to pay their debts immediately and this has an impact on their psychology. As a result, continued Adimaja, his party needed education about investments and legal online loans on a regular basis from the OJK.

"We need education. Because there are teachers who are seduced like this, they fall mentally and don't teach," he said.

Apart from teachers, he also hopes that similar education will also be given to high school students, who are also studying investment. Meanwhile, OJK encourages victims of illegal online loans and investments to immediately report to the police so that their cases can be followed up and not take more victims.

"We encourage people who are victims to report to the police," said Head of the Riau Islands OJK Office Rony Ukurta Barus.

If the victim does not report it, the case will be difficult to proceed, because it is a complaint offense.

OJK, he said, can only collect data, to then determine an illegal loan or investment entity. However, the criminal case must be reported to the police so that it can be investigated.

He said the Riau Islands OJK had never received a written complaint regarding illegal online loans from the public. However, he suspects that many residents have been caught in the trap of funding facilities with stifling interest, from the many residents who ask for information verbally.

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