JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress to run with integrity. It is hoped that this event will be far from money politics and the spread of slander and hoaxes.

"KPK congratulates the congress and hopes that the NU Congress will become a national role model in the regeneration process of leadership that is fair, not embellished with money politics, with integrity, and (free, ed) spreading slander or hoaxes," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to reporters, Tuesday, 20 December.

Furthermore, he also alluded to the issuance of a KPK investigation order (sprinlidik) related to the holding of the NU Congress which was held on December 22-23. Ghufron said the letter was untrue or fake.

There are a number of markers of the letter's falsity. One of them, said Ghufron, is the incorrect numbering so that the correspondence format is also not appropriate.

"The information from the Sprinlindik is clearly a hoax or fake considering the number, signature, contact information and format are clearly not the same as what the KPK uses," he said.

With this condition, Ghufron then asked NU to provide clarification. The goal is that the conference can run honestly.

"The use of false information or hoaxes will harm NU institutionally," said Ghufron.

"KPK hopes that Lampung will provide clarification so that the NU Congress is healthy and fair," he added.

As previously reported, the KPK's counterfeit investigations were found at the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress. The letter said the anti-corruption commission was investigating allegations of levies on state civil servants (ASN) at the Ministry of Religion and giving money to win one of the candidates for the PBNU General Chair.

The letter bears the name of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri with the stamp and letterhead of the anti-corruption commission symbol. The letter was signed on December 20 last.

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