JAKARTA - Circulating on social media and WhatsApp that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will monitor the implementation of the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Congress in Lampung. Is that true?

"KPK received information circulating through messaging applications and social media regarding levies to ASN for certain purposes," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 21.

In the chain messages and pictures circulating, the telephone number for the public complaint is included. In addition, in the letter-shaped image, a statement from the KPK is also included.

"After receiving many complaints from the public regarding the existence of levies on ASN of the Ministry of Religion and the provision of money from the Ministry of Religion to win one of the candidates at the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama Congress, the KPK will monitor and follow up on any information from the community.

We urge PWNU/PCNU or the public who received money from the Ministry of Religion regarding the 34th NU Congress to be willing to return the money and report to us by telephone 0811959575, 08558575575. Every report is guaranteed confidentiality."

Ali gave a firm explanation of this unsettling issue. That number is not a KPK number.

"People who are aware of allegations of corruption can submit their complaints to the KPK via email [email protected], SMS 08558575575, WhatsApp 0811959575, KWS website http://kws.kpk.go.id or submit a letter and come directly to KPK Merah Putih Building Kuningan Persada Street Lot 4, Jakarta," explained Ali.

The KPK, he continued, has repeatedly received information that there are individuals claiming to be KPK employees as well as the delivery of hoax information with the aim of extorting extortion, fraud, and other crimes to the public.

"KPK firmly asks these individuals to immediately stop their actions. The KPK also urges the public to always be careful and be aware of various modes of fraud on behalf of the KPK," he said.

He said if the public encounters or knows of a party claiming to be a KPK employee and committing a criminal act of extortion and the like, they can immediately report it to the "call center" 198 or to local law enforcement officials.

Meanwhile, in complaints of alleged corruption crimes, the KPK invites the public to submit valid complaints supported by complete data and information because the follow-up for handling reports is very dependent on the quality of the reports submitted.

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