MEDAN - Three members of a motorcycle gang who robbed a resident's motorbike on Jalan Sunggal, Sei Batanghari Intersection were arrested by the police.

The three perpetrators are RST (19) a resident of Kampung Bahari Martubung, RNS (23) a resident of the Medan Helvetia sub-district and SRN (21) a resident of Sunggal District.

The Head of Criminal Investigation at the Sunggal Police, AKP Budiman Simanjuntak, said that the incident began when the victim Daniel and his friend Danis were about to go home on a motorbike.

"While crossing Jalan Sunggal Simpang at the red light of Sei Batanghari, the victim passed a motorcycle gang, to avoid unwanted things the victim stopped and from a motorized group as many as 6 people came to the victim and asked where they were going," said AKP Budiman to reporters, Sunday, 19 December.

AKP Budiman said the victim, who was frightened, fled but was chased by the perpetrators.

"The perpetrator managed to catch up and beat the victim and her friend, then the group took the victim's belongings in the form of a motorbike, cellphone and wallet," he continued.

For this incident, the victim asked the local residents for help and then together with the victim were escorted to the Medan Sunggal Police Station to make a report, with the police report number LP/B/919/IX/2021.

Budiman said, based on the report from the victim, the Medan Sunggal Police immediately conducted an investigation and managed to secure 1 person, namely RST.

"Based on his information, 2 other perpetrators were picked up, RNS and SRN, and evidence from the perpetrators was able to secure the motorbikes belonging to the perpetrators that were used during the action," said AKP Budiman.

For his actions, the three suspects were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code. "With a penalty of 9 years in prison," said AKP Budiman.

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