Attorney General's Office Describes The Journey Of A Prosecutor For A Novel Case Who Died From COVID-19
Kapuspenkum AGO Hari Setiyono (Photo: Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

JAKARTA - Attorney Robertino Fedrik Adhar Syaripuddin, who died, was confirmed positive for COVID-19. This was revealed based on the swab test when the prosecutor for Novel Baswedan was undergoing treatment at Pondok Indah Hospital, Bintaro, South Tangerang.

"The death of the deceased was partly due to complications from blood sugar. Then when a rapid test and swab was carried out on Thursday, if I'm not mistaken, it turns out that he was also exposed to Covid-19," Hari Setiyono, Head of the Penal Office, told reporters, Tuesday, August 18.

Based on the tracing results, prosecutor Fedrik Adhar is known to have contracted COVID-19 after traveling from his hometown of Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra. At that time, prosecutor Fdrik was traveling with his wife.

"Then back to Jakarta, the pain started. Then he was treated at Pondok Indah Bintaro Hospital as what we have conveyed is that he died," he said.

In fact, in treatment, the medical team has made every possible effort to treat it. Including using a ventilator as a breathing apparatus.

"So that during the treatment period Friday, Saturday, Sunday, he used a ventilator and as I said earlier on Monday, he died," said Hari.

Attorney Fedrik Adhar passed away, Monday, August 17th. His body was buried in Jombang Ciputat TPU.

His departure is said to have left many impressions. "The deceased was a tough, responsible prosecutor," said the head of the North Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, I Made Sudarmawan.

Attorney Fedrik Adhar, according to him, was known as a figure who was concerned with employees in the office, especially those concerned with the duties of the deceased. Regarding work, prosecutor Fedrik Adhar is known to uphold professionalism.

"As a prosecutor, the deceased always put professionalism first. Both as an individual and as a superior, I admire the deceased. Hopefully the deceased will get a proper place and be forgiven for all the mistakes and mistakes of the deceased, "said Sudarmawan.

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