JAKARTA – The surrender of members of the armed group in Ambaidiru Village, Kosiwo District, to the Yapen Police Station, was witnessed by Assistant II of the Yapen Islands Regent, Edy Mudumi, as well as local village heads.

Head of the Nemangkawi Ops Public Relations Task Force, Police Commissioner Ahmad M Kamal said that the surrender of members of the Ambaidiru armed group in Kosiwo District was in order to serve as an example for other members. So, said Ahmad, the security and security situation in Yapen Regency is more conducive.

"Conducive conditions, so we can concentrate on developing the region by increasing human resources and infrastructure to support people's lives to create prosperity," said Ahmad, quoting Antara, Sunday, December 19.

The surrender procession of the armed group, also known as the KKB, took place in the Yapen Police Headquarters field, Saturday (18/12), and was also witnessed by the Head of Kesbangpol Yapen Regency, Sony Woria.

The commander of Kodim 1709/Yawa, Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Catur P Nugroho, said that the presence of the TNI and police was not meant to frighten the people of the Yapen Islands.

"We are here together to promote development in the Yapen Islands," said Catur.

He continued, according to the instructions of the TNI commander that the TNI and the police were tasked with resuscitating friends who were on the opposite side, and providing understanding that all of them were the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"So no one else thinks that Papua will be independent, we are very proud and happy with the cooperation between the TNI and Polri in the region so that our colleagues, my brothers and sisters can, with high awareness, want to return to Mother's lap. Motherland, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he explained.

He appreciates all parties who continue to try to make everyone aware so that there is a will from oneself to return to the lap of Mother Earth without coercion.

The Yapen Police Chief, AKBP Ferdyan I Fahmi, said that the security forces in the Yapen Islands have a high commitment to protecting the area.

"We have considered the Yapen community as part of the family. We TNI-Polri, including the regional government will not remain silent," he said.

According to Catur, after the officers carried out law enforcement in the Yapen Islands, the TNI and the police tried to do so in a persuasive and humane way to provide understanding and convince the Yapen people that the state apparatus in the Yapen Islands is part of the family, not the enemy.

"We are here to help the local government to develop the Yapen Archipelago and help accelerate prosperity so that the whole community can feel it, in terms of education and in terms of health," he said.

He welcomed the real efforts of the armed group from Kampung Ambaidiru to surrender and pledge allegiance to Indonesia.

"Papua has always been Indonesia, Indonesia is Papua, so there are no longer external struggles, there is no longer such a thing as a struggle in the name of Free Papua or West Papua, West Papua," he concluded.

Meanwhile, one of the members of the armed group Ambaidiru who surrendered said they had chosen the wrong path, so they decided to return to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia to realize the unity of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The head of the Resort Police has said that we no longer need independence, we have all agreed to bring ourselves here and admit our mistakes, therefore now we want to return and unite together in advancing the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

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