JAKARTA - The promise of the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran to facilitate illegal racing in Jakarta is not just a figment. The proof, this event will be held next year.

"We plan to hold this competition in January 2022," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Friday, December 17.

With a little time remaining, said Sambodo, his party would speed up all the preparations. So far, it's just a matter of determining the race format and other rules.

"Starting from next week, we will start entering the timeline and then we will carry out the official race," said Sambodo.

In fact, the plan for this race is not only done once. However, it is routinely carried out so that there are no more dangerous wild races.

"So the plan will continue, maybe the race is every three months, later at the end of the year in the fourth race it will be the final," said Sambodo.

"It is also possible that later there can be sparked that there is a place that is indeed provided for use every night of the week to race there every Saturday night officially," he continued.

Previously, the police had pocketed several locations that might be used as venues for the race circuit. The locations range from Jakarta to Tangerang.

"One of them is Kemayoran, Ancol, in BSD and then PIK 2, there are several locations," said Sambodo.

However, to determine the location that will be chosen to become a circuit to facilitate illegal racing, it must go through a process of discussion with several relevant agencies. Later, this will be discussed in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Especially to determine the scheme of the race.

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