A Total Of 10 Suspected Terrorists Arrested By Detachment 88 In North Sumatra And South Sumatra

JAKARTA - The Densus 88 Anti-terror team arrested 10 suspected terrorists. They were arrested in North Sumatra and South Sumatra.

"A total of 9 were arrested in North Sumatra," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, when confirmed, Thursday, December 16.

The nine suspected terrorists were arrested at different locations. Where, 7 of them were arrested in the areas of Langkat, Binjai, Belawan, and West Medan. Meanwhile, 2 other suspected terrorists were arrested in Tanjungbalai.

Then, Densus 88 Anti-terror also arrested one suspected terrorist in South Sumatra. However, the location for the arrest has not been disclosed.

"Additionally arrest one terrorist suspect in South Sumatra," said Ramadhan.

All of the arrested terrorist suspects are currently still being investigated intensively. The goal is to find out about their network.

"The network has not been informed (still being investigated)," said Ramadhan.

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