JAKARTA - The Banten Regional Police Ditpamobvit Tourism Sub-Directorate is conducting patrols in order to provide security guarantees to hotel and restaurant visitors in Serang City.

"Yes, today the Banten Police Ditpamobvit Tourism Sub-Directorate is conducting patrols in all hotels and restaurants in Serang City in order to provide security guarantees to visitors as well as provide health advice," said Banten Police Dirpamobvit Police Commissioner Edy Sumardi, when confirmed, Thursday, December 16.

Patrol activities will continue to be carried out ahead of Christmas and the new year of 2022. This is done to prevent the spread of COVID-19, especially since there has been a lot of discussion about the Omicron variant that has entered Indonesia.

"The implementation of PPKM Level 2 in Serang City is the government's effort to suppress the spread of COVID-19 ahead of Christmas and New Year. So we from the Banten Police, especially Ditpamobvit will support the government's efforts by conducting patrols as well as providing health advice to hotel and restaurant visitors," he explained.

Meanwhile AKP Abdul Rosyid said he and his members were also coordinating with hotel and restaurant security to carry out patrolling activities.

"We also always coordinate with hotel and restaurant security regarding security management. This is aimed at maintaining security and public order, especially hotel and restaurant visitors," he added.

Rosyid ensures that his patrol activities are carried out regularly, providing a sense of security and comfort for hotel visitors.

"It is hoped that this patrol activity can provide a sense of security and comfort to the people who visit hotels and restaurants," he concluded.

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