JAKARTA - The chairman of the PKB faction of the DPR RI, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, requested that the issue of increasing sexual violence cases be a special discussion at the 34th Nadhlatul Ulama (NU) Congress in Lampung, 22-23 December 2021.

"We ask the congress to discuss specifically the issue of sexual violence that is increasing with various modes. We hope that there will be special recommendations regarding this issue so that it becomes the energy of our struggle in the legislative forum," said Cucun at a press conference in the PKB Fraction Room, Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, December 16.

Cucun said the recent increase in sexual violence was very concerning. Such immoral cases occur in almost all sectors, both in the campus environment, companies, to the general public. The perpetrators are also diverse, ranging from lecturers, heads of households, school children, and even students.

"We certainly cannot allow this situation. We hope there will be a systematic settlement through clearer rules and regulations," said Cucun.

Recommendations from the NU Congress regarding cases of sexual violence are very much needed by the PKB Faction as the political representation of the nahdliyin. It is hoped that the direction of the community, scholars, and nadhliyin administrators at all levels from all over Indonesia will be able to comprehensively formulate the formulation of the problem of sexual violence and alternative solutions.

“There are many factors that trigger this sexual violence, both from sociological, economic, and cultural elements. We ask for a special study related to the causes and alternative solutions that are offered,” hoped the Member of Commission III of the DPR.

Cucun emphasized that the study and discussion at the NU Congressional Forum regarding sexual violence would be very complete if it was actually carried out. In this forum, sexual violence will be discussed from fiqh, sociological studies, to elements of community culture.

"This study will certainly be very important as our benchmark in fighting for the ratification of the Sexual Violence Criminal Act (TPKS) which is currently not completed," said Cucun asserted.

One of the obstacles to the ratification of the TPKS Bill, said Cucun, was the difference in perspective on the formulation of the definition of sexual violence among factions in the DPR. This difference in perspective is quite deep because it is influenced by the religious perspective of each faction.

"If the NU Congress as the highest forum for the largest Islamic organization has formulated a religious perspective in responding to this TPKS Bill, then the impact will be very large for both us PKB faction and the general public so that it can accelerate the ratification of the TPKS Bill," explained Cucun.

Cucun emphasized that PKB from the start was in a position to support the ratification of the TPKS Bill. This position is to ensure that victims of sexual violence get protection and cases of sexual violence can be prevented as early as possible.

In addition, existing laws, such as the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, must be recognized as having several fundamental weaknesses to protect victims of sexual violence.

"Therefore, in accordance with the mandate of the General Director of the PKB DPP Gus Muhaimin Iskandar, we fully support the ratification of the TPKS Bill," said Cucun.

Present at the press conference were Secretary General of the PKB DPP M Hasanuddin Wahid who is also a member of Commission X DPR and General Chairperson of PP Fatayat NU Anggia Erma Rini who is also Deputy Chair of Commission IV DPR RI. In addition, the Secretary of the PKB Faction Fathan Subchi and several members of the PKB Faction of the DPR RI were also present.

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