MEDAN - A member of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Police, North Sumatra, shot a suspect in theft of a motorized vehicle (curanmor) for resisting arrest.

"The suspect with the initials DH is 40 years old, a resident of Dairi Regency," said the Medan Sector Police Chief AKP Sawangin as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 16.

The suspect's arrest began with a report by a victim named Ilham who lost his motorbike on Jalan Halat, Medan on Friday, December 10.

Based on the report, officers from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Area Police conducted an investigation and succeeded in identifying the suspect.

From the results of the investigation, officers received information on the whereabouts of the suspect in the Sei Mencharim area. Officers immediately went to the location and made the arrests.

"The suspect was arrested while riding a city transportation. The suspect had put up a fight, so he had to take firm and measured action," he said.

From the results of the interrogation, the suspect admitted to stealing a motorbike belonging to the victim.

"The suspect is subject to Article 363 of the Criminal Code which carries a sentence of seven years in prison," he said.

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