Razia Angkot In Medan, Bobby Nasution Finds 4 Drivers Positive For Drugs
Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution inspects angkot driver raids/PHOTO: Satria H-VOI

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution inspected the raid on an angkot driver on Jalan Gatot Subroto, Medan Petisah District.

The raid was carried out by the Medan City Transportation Service together with the Medan Polrestabes Satlantas to see the completeness of the administrative requirements and the driver's health condition.

President Jokowi's son-in-law was accompanied by the Medan Police Chief, Pol Kombes Riko Sunarko and Dandim 0201/BS, Colonel Inf Hindratno Devidanto.

During his review, Bobby witnessed dozens of angkots and their drivers being examined. During the review, it was recorded that there were 4 angkot drivers who were confirmed positive for drugs.

Bobby Nasution said that the raid on the angkot driver had been carried out for 4 days. He admitted that many violations were found.

"Starting from minor violations, there are moderate violations where the driver does not match, we usually say shooting drivers, until someone tests positive for using drugs," said Bobby.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution inspects angkot driver raids/PHOTO: Satria H-VOI

Up to the fourth day, Bobby Nasution revealed that his party had examined the urine of more than 120 angkot drivers. From that figure, 24 angkot drivers were found to be positive for drugs.

"Currently there are 4, plus 2 this morning there were 6, today there are 6 out of a total of 120 who were tested, there are 24 positive for drugs. This is a lesson for all of us. We Pemko will give strict sanctions both from minor violations that are not have a driver's license," he said.

"We have coordinated with the Polrestabes, for those who shoot drivers, we give a stern warning to the owner (angkot) and the original driver. Those who are positive for drugs will be handed over to the authorities," he continued.

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution inspects angkot driver raids/PHOTO: Satria H-VOI

From the findings of the violation, Bobby Nasution confirmed that he would coordinate with angkot companies and Organda to improve the public transportation system in Medan City.

In addition, Bobby Nasution will activate the option to close the angkot company operations if there are still many administrative and driver violations.

"There may be (closures). There must be improvements in the future, this is a lesson. There are many accidents caused by the negligence of angkot drivers," said Bobby.

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