NTB - One of the defendants in the 2017 procurement project of corn seed corruption in West Nusa Tenggara, namely Aryanto Prametu, has sued the NTB Representative Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

The plaintiff's attorney, Emil Siain confirmed the existence of a civil lawsuit by his client who has now been registered at the Mataram District Court with Case Number 304/Pdt.G/2021/PN Mtr.

"The classification of the case is PMH (against the law). Our basis is that we are looking at the way BPKP conducts audits. He has violated a lot in the examination process. They are not 'fair'," said Emil in Mataram, Thursday, December 16.

One of the issues that became the subject of the lawsuit, he explained, was regarding the return of losses that was not included by BPKP as its consideration in determining state losses of Rp. 15.43 billion.

"Including the payment of fines, our clients twice paid a total fine of Rp. 800 million. This excludes the return of state losses of Rp. 7.5 billion, according to BPK RI calculations (a follow-up to the findings of the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Agriculture)," he said.

The Coordinator for Supervision of the Investigation Division of the BPKP Representative for NTB, Tukirin, responded to Arianto Prametu's civil lawsuit as director of the 2017 corn seed company, PT Sinta Agro Mandiri (SAM) by stating his readiness.

"It (the civil lawsuit) is a legal process, of course we will face it," said Tukirin.

Regarding the readiness to face the civil lawsuit, Tukirin was reluctant to provide information. However, he assured that BPKP would prepare it. Furthermore, the plaintiff in his petition stated that the report on the results of the audit of the calculation of state financial losses in the case of alleged corruption in the procurement of corn seeds in 2017 at the Department of Agriculture and Plantation of NTB by PT SAM did not have the power of proof and or binding law.

The Plaintiff also states that as a result of the defendant's unlawful act, the Plaintiff has suffered both material and moral losses, thus determining the amount of the Plaintiff's material loss of Rp. 7.5 billion and moral loss of Rp. 25 billion.

Thus, the plaintiff asks the defendant to pay compensation both materially and morally in cash and punishes the defendant to pay all costs incurred in the case.

Finally, the plaintiff in his petition stated that the legal decision in this case could be carried out first even though there were appeals and cassation efforts and or an immediate decision.

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