MEDAN - Police officers arrested one of two perpetrators of violent confinement and theft against an 8-year-old girl in Asahan Regency, North Sumatra (Sumut).

"The perpetrator who has been arrested has the initials MAS (18). We are still pursuing another perpetrator with the initials YS," said Asahan Police Chief, AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 15.

Yudha said the perpetrator was arrested based on a report from the complainant who was the victim's mother with the initials N (45).

In the report, it is explained that the confinement incident began when the victim and her friend were playing in front of the perpetrator's house which was not far from the victim's house on Monday, August 2 at around 21.00 WIB.

The perpetrators who were also at the location were tempted to see the gold ring and necklace worn by the victim. The perpetrator then called the victim to his house pretending to be buying something.

The victim obeyed the call and entered the perpetrator's house. The suspect then took the victim to his room.

"In the room, the perpetrator forcibly took the victim's necklace. The perpetrator had banged the victim's head against the wall," he said.

At that time, the perpetrator YS (DPO) came to the house of the perpetrator. YS, who saw the victim in MAS's room, then took the ring the victim was wearing.

After carrying out the action, the two perpetrators locked the victim in the MAS perpetrator's room and fled.

"The victim's mother was rescued by her mother when she heard the victim's screams. Then the victim's mother reported the incident to the Asahan Police," said Yudha.

Based on the report, officers conducted an investigation and succeeded in arresting the perpetrators on Monday, December 13, in Tanjungbalai.

"To the officers, the perpetrator admitted what he had done together with YS. We urge YS to immediately surrender before the officers take firm action," he said.

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