JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango does not want to worry about the quarrel with Amien Rais' son, Ahmad Mumtaz Rais.

This is because all matters have been submitted to the police. Namely by reporting the incident to the Soekarno-Hatta Airport police.

"I don't want to waste energy thinking about this Pak Mumtaz problem. There is too much work in front of me as the head of the KPK," said Nawawi when confirmed, Monday, August 17.

The rest, according to Nawawi, falls under the authority of the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police and airlines. For that, he left it completely to Garuda and the police.

"Furthermore, it is up to them how to respond and follow up, whether there is a criminal offense there, for example a violation of the provisions of the Aviation Law, particularly flight safety, and if there is, of course Garuda will be more appropriate to respond to it," Nawawi added.

It is known that the quarrel between Mumtaz and Nawawi occurred because Amien Rais' son was busy calling when the plane was refueling or refueling during transit in Makassar.

This former DPR member was then reprimanded by the cabin officer twice but ignored him. Mumtaz became angry and yelled at the officers when he was warned for the third time.

Nawawi, who sat next to him, reminded Mumtaz to obey the rules and not scold the officers. However, Mumtaz replied to the warning by turning back and scolding Nawawi and challenging him.

Mumtaz Rais yesterday finally apologized for the commotion with KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolago on the Garuda Indonesia flight from Gorontalo-Makassar-Jakarta some time ago.

"I respect him. Think of it as me who is wrong, I am young, maybe the blood is still volatile, excited," said Mumtaz.

Mumtaz admitted that he made a mistake on that action. Moreover, he was so tired that he was easily provoked by his emotions.

"I am already in Pontianak again. So from Gorontalo, Makassar, to Jakarta for a while, I will be in Pontianak again," he said.

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