JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir plans to combine data belonging to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN and PT Telkom (Persero) Tbk. The plan was carried out to facilitate the distribution of social assistance (bansos) to the community.

The merging of data from the two state-owned companies, said Erick, is expected to facilitate the process of channeling aid from the government. So, when there is an outbreak like this time, the authorities no longer need a long process in distributing social assistance.

Furthermore, Erick explained, the long process of distributing aid is prone to corruption. Thus, combining this data becomes a solution that can help people receive assistance more quickly.

"In the future, we want to combine the data from PLN and Telkom so that if there is direct assistance to the people, it does not spread for a long time, which will eventually become vulnerable to corruption. We don't want to suudzon, but we try to protect it properly," he said, in a virtual discussion, Sunday, August 16th.

Erick also said that currently his party is combining Pegadaian, BRI and PNM data to channel Ultra Micro credit (UMi) or assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in other forms. "So that later when we talk about the micro size or the data is solid. It's not like now guessing data," he said.

Furthermore, Erick gave an example, currently in the context of distributing aid to MSMEs in the form of grants of Rp. 2.4 million, the government uses data owned by state-owned companies, namely BRI and PNM. "We are very supportive of our infrastructure."

"For example, when talking about grants for ultra-micro, the biggest one uses data from state-owned companies from Bank Rakyat Indonesia and also PNM. From there alone, the contribution is around 7 million."

The government states that the productive direct cash assistance (BLT) program for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) applies to all sectors. The methods and requirements for MSMEs to get BLT of IDR 2.4 million have been determined.

This assistance is aimed at making a proportional distribution of the stimulus for economic recovery. As is known, the government is targeting 12 million MSME players to receive this Rp. 2.4 million assistance. The assistance will be provided starting on August 17th.

The head of the National Economic Recovery and Transformation Task Force, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said that the amount of cash assistance would be given in stages. In the near future, the government will first target 1 million MSMEs as recipients of government assistance.

This will continue to be done until all registered MSMEs can get it. Budi also reminded that the funds provided by the government could be used not only for daily life but also for business capital.

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