JAKARTA - Head of Komnas Perempuan Andy Yentriyani noted that cases of violence against women have doubled to reach 4,500 cases by September 2021 compared to 2020. Through a press release, Jakarta, Monday, Andy said criminalization was still happening against survivors of domestic violence (KDRT) and violence. sexual violence in 2021. "The increase in reporting cases of violence against women cannot be handled properly because it is not proportional to the handling capacity," said Andy as quoted by Antara, Monday, December 13. The case is getting more extreme, but precisely because the handling capacity is not adequate in all regions. Difficultyowati Irianto added that Indonesia needs legal instruments that protect women from violence, but in practice there are many regional policies that are discriminatory and against the needs of the community.

In addition, the legal literacy of the Indonesian people is still lacking so that there are many problems in the process of making legal products.Prof. Sulistyowati said that people still have many misconceptions regarding the contents of Permendikbud, Research and Technology Number 30 of 2021. She emphasized that sexual violence occurs because of the absence of consent and power relations and these two elements need to be emphasized in order to eliminate sexual violence. Meanwhile, normalization of sexual violence occurs because people are less sensitive on issues of violence experienced by women so that it hinders the process of handling cases of violence against women. Komnas Perempuan added that community attitudes are the best support for victims' recovery and access to justice for victims of violence.

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