JAKARTA - The Sub-Directorate of Resmob Polda Metro Jaya arrested a suspect in the murder of the victim with the initials YM (30) which occurred at the victim's house, on Jalan Krida Raya, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta. The victim was found dead with a wound to the neck on Thursday, December 9, last.

The suspect was arrested one day after the incident, Friday 10 December at the Gateway Apartment, Bandung City. The arrest of the suspect was carried out after the Sub-Directorate of Resmob Polda Metro Jaya conducted a crime scene (TKP) and obtained evidence and instructions, so that the perpetrator could be arrested.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan said the incident began on November 30, 2021 when the victim and suspect became acquainted through the Michat application. In the application, the suspect uses the pseudonym Dika, while the victim named Yosi is not a woman.

"After communication, they made an appointment. Then the perpetrator went to the victim's house," said Pol Kombes Endra Zulpan to reporters, Monday, December 13.

Police officers evacuated the victim at her home when she was found/ Photo: IST

From the results of the investigation, it is known that the suspect visited the victim's house through the suspect's Grab history. Since the initial meeting, the perpetrator often visited the victim's house almost every day. In that house they also act like husband and wife, even though they are of the same sex.

"Usually at night, do intercourse there, then in the morning the suspect returns home. Then at night he returns," he said.

On December 8, when the suspect came to the victim's house at around 20.00 WIB, the suspect heard that the victim's parents were sick and were taken to the hospital so that no one was at home.

"Well, that's where the suspect's intention emerged to take control of the victim's property. So the motive for this case is that the suspect wants to take possession of the things that the victim has, namely a motorcycle and cellphone," he said.

According to the perpetrator, at that time he had prepared a knife that was taken from the kitchen of the victim's house and placed under the cupboard.

"In the early hours of Thursday, December 9, they were having sex like husband and wife even though they were of the same sex. Then when the victim was asleep and still not wearing clothes, the suspect killed the victim and stabbed the victim 11 times in the neck and stomach," said Kombes Zulpan.

The suspect then cleaned himself up and changed into the victim's clothes and fled.

"We secured a number of evidences. The suspect was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, Sub 338 of the Criminal Code and 365 of the Criminal Code, the threat of a death penalty or a maximum of 20 years in prison," he explained.

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