JAKARTA - The Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) is strengthening steps to continue the mandate of the National Resource Management Law (PSDN) related to state defense. The law was passed when Ryamizard Ryacudu became minister of defense.

The Ministry of Defense, which is now led by Prabowo Subianto, will collaborate with the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) headed by Nadiem Makarim to organize the reserve components in national defense. Prabowo plans to absorb reserve components for national defense from junior high school (SMP) to university levels. However, the focus is on the university level.

"Yes, of course we have to include it. Because in reserve competence, it also concerns the formation of our reserve power, which will rely on the strength of the people. Especially the educated, S3, S2, and S1 groups. Then the student group," said Prabowo, after the work meeting. with Commission I, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, 11 November 2019.

Prabowo emphasized that defending the state in Indonesia is not like compulsory military service as in some countries. Defending the state in Indonesia is voluntary for people who are willing to take part in maintaining the defense of the Indonesian state.

"I think in the law we do not get (mandatory) there. But it is more of a reserve component. Later, we will show it later," he said.

This concept, said Prabowo, has been around for a long time since 1945 and has been tested historically. Prabowo only needs to update, modernize, and adjust to the current state of the nation.

During a meeting with Commission I of the DPR, Prabowo said that Indonesia's defense system consists of military and non-military, physical and non-physical. The physical military defense consists of the main, reserve and support components. For the main category, it refers to the TNI. Meanwhile, the non-military component comes from other elements, and its role is held outside the ministry of defense. This is because Prabowo wants to communicate with the Ministry of Education and Culture for this matter.

He gave an example that the United States has a few officers. Meanwhile, to meet other defense needs, this country utilizes a source of reserve components.

"Officers from military academies may be 20 percent. Meanwhile, 80 percent are reserve officers from universities."


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