JAKARTA - This is how the atmosphere of the entourage carrying Mang Oded's body to the funeral. The body of Bandung Mayor Oded M Danial arrived in Tasikmalaya, Friday, December 10 evening.

Thousands of people gathered to pray and take Mang Oded to his final resting place.

The group carrying Mang Oded's body when they entered Jalan Dalem Kaum, headed for the burial site in his hometown in Tasikmalaya, was greeted by thousands of residents. They waved goodbye, bidding farewell to Mang Oded.

However, it was drizzling rain. However, these thousands of corpse deliverers are still gradual. They wanted to release Mang Oded's departure with prayers and praise.

What was the situation like when it happened? Watch in the following video.

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