JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion is conducting a large-scale investigation into all madrasah and Islamic boarding schools. The ministry is concerned that the rape case that occurred in a boarding school in Bandung, West Java, is an iceberg phenomenon.

This confirmation was conveyed by the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. The Minister of Religion deserves to be worried about the case that has shaken this republic.

Just imagine, this rape case has occurred since 2016 to 2021. It was carried out by a religious teacher against 14 female students who are still underage and studying at the pesantren.

Worse yet, this rape case resulted in a number of female students becoming pregnant and some of them having given birth when the case was already in court.

The students are psychologically psychological. The victim was taken to the hospital for a post-mortem et revertum. The result of the 14 victims, among others, the hymen is not intact and the hymen has been torn.

"We are currently investigating all educational institutions, both madrasas and Islamic boarding schools. What we are worried about is the tip of the iceberg. We are deploying a team to see everything by involving the Ministry of Religion in their respective areas," said the Minister of Religion on Friday, December 10 yesterday.

"If there is something similar, we will immediately carry out mitigation. So, don't wait for the incident to move. We will investigate all educational institutions," said Gus Yaqut, the Minister of Religion's nickname.

According to the Minister of Religion, the alleged rape case by one of the leaders of a pesantren in Bandung is now a common problem.

"This is a common problem and we will solve it together. So sexual violence, sexual harassment, and all immoral acts must be brushed off," said the Minister of Religion.

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