JAKARTA - After assaulting and stabbing Agil (17) a vocational school student in Cianjur, nine students immediately fled. But the police caught his traces and the Cianjur Police Satreskrim caught him.

Agil (17) is a vocational high school student in Bunisari Village, Warungkondang District. At first, he was playing with his friends in Bojongkoneng Village, Cikaroya Village, Warungkondang District. Suddenly, a group of nine perpetrators came who immediately stabbed sharp weapons at the victim.

The victim, who did not expect to be attacked by the perpetrators, could not dodge and thus suffered stab wounds to several parts of his body such as lacerations to the legs, buttocks, and lacerations to the back.

Seeing the victim lying covered in blood, the perpetrator fled, while the victim, assisted by local residents, was taken to the hospital. The victim suffered serious stab wounds to several parts of his body.

Cianjur Police Chief, Doni Hermawan in Cianjur Friday said that after a few days of carrying out the action, the nine students with the initials M (18), MR (18), IR (18), MS (18), MA (17), AN (17), PM (17), S (16), and MZ (17), were arrested separately in their respective homes.

"From the student's hands, officers secured several types of sharp weapons that were used to slash the victim, three motorbikes. The nine people have been named suspects because they were proven to have committed violence against the victim," said AKBP Doni Hermawan, Saturday, December 11, quoted from Antara.

The five suspects who are still sitting at the school will be subject to Article 80 paragraph (2) of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning the stipulation of government regulations in lieu of Law No. 1 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Indonesian Law No. 23 of 2002, concerning child protection with the threat of punishment 5 years in prison.

Meanwhile, four other suspects who are old enough will be charged with Article 170 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code, with a threat of 9 imprisonments.

"For students, a child protection trial will be applied, while the other four people will be tried publicly," he said.

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