JAKARTA - A group of motorized gangsters visited a residential area in Cipinang Besar Utara, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta. These youth groups challenged the residents of North Cipinang Besar to a duel for existence.

"We can see from the motorcycle gangs that there are 12 ride-hailing motorbikes totaling 24 people. First, at the beginning of the incident in the area of the East Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, we didn't know what gang. Then two days later it happened on Jalan DI Panjaitan," said Handi, a resident around the scene, Friday 10 December .

The attack was recorded and went viral on social media. The perpetrators who were equipped with sharp weapons had exploded firecrackers towards residential areas to provoke the anger of the residents.

From the amateur footage recorded by one of the motorcycle gang members, it can be seen that the motorcycle gang was challenging the residents at the scene. The perpetrators challenged while shouting packages, as if delivering package orders.

"He was fishing to let the residents around here come out. He brought sharp weapons and hard water," said Handi.

Although firecrackers were fired several times, local residents were reluctant to respond to the action of the motorcycle gang.

"It was about 26 motorbikes with three cyclists hitting residents with firecrackers," he said.

The motive for the motorcycle gang's attack is not yet known, but residents are restless because they are worried that the motorcycle gang attack could cause casualties.

Residents hope that the police will immediately follow up because it is disturbing.

Responding to the motorcycle gang's attack, East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Erwin Kurniawan said the attacker was allegedly from another area that provoked the Mayong Gang, Prumpung, Jatinegara.

"We have detected and set up an anti-brawl post. Residents have ported the area so that the perpetrators do not enter. We are strengthening patrols," said the police chief when confirmed by reporters, Friday, December 10.

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