CIREBON - West Java Police Chief Inspector General Suntana said monitoring posts were set up at several points during the Christmas and New Year holidays to ensure that people traveling were vaccinated and free from COVID-19.

"This monitoring post is only to ensure that people who will be traveling have been vaccinated," said Inspector General Suntana in Cirebon, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10.

Inspector General Suntana said monitoring posts would be established at several points, including at the entrances to Bandung, Pangandaran, Karawang, and others.

The monitoring post, continued Suntana, is only to ensure that people traveling on the Christmas and New Year holidays have followed health protocols and have been vaccinated.

Later, the monitoring post will also be guarded by members of the National Police to conduct inspections of vehicles with license plates outside the region.

"We check every vehicle that will enter the West Java area," he said.

Inspector General Suntana added that the monitoring post was an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in West Java, especially during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Because at that time, many residents came out and gathered, so we need mutual awareness regarding the implementation of health protocols, so that COVID-19 cases do not rise again.

"This is our effort to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in West Java," he said.

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