JAKARTA – Gunung Putri Police Chief Kompol Andry Fran Ferdyawan spoke about the news about hundreds of employees at a factory in a trance in his area. Andry explained that the information on hundreds of employees in a trance was not true.

"Initially it was during lunch break, so there were employees who were in a trance, but the information there were hundreds of them was not true. So there were no more than 10 people in a trance, only 7 to 10 people," said Andry confirmed by reporters, Thursday, December 9.

Andry explained, when some employees started to be in a trance, other employees saw and then became hysterical in fear. Then they were separated into separate rooms so as not to make matters worse.

Screen capture video of factory employees in Bogor in mass trance/ Instagram

"The rest of his friends were afraid to see their friends. So they screamed hysterically, after that they were gathered in front of the security post so they wouldn't join. Usually, I like it when someone is hysterically scared, so it's like being in a trance," explained Andry.

Religious leaders, continued Andry, have been brought in to resolve the situation. And after that incident about 30 factory employees were sent home.

"It was about 30 people who were repatriated. So the information on hundreds is not true. They just sent them home, so earlier the information from Bhabin was that there were religious leaders, so the letters from the Koran were read out. (Employees) were sent home including those who were hysterical," explained Andry.

Previously, it was reported that hundreds of factory employees in the Gunung Putri sub-district, Bogor Regency, West Java were in a mass trance. In a video uploaded to an Instagram account, a hysterical female voice can be heard in a room. Seen there are some lying on the floor.

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