PAPUA - Executive Director of the Manokwari Institute for the Study of Development and Legal Aid (LP3BH), Yan Christian Warinussy, assessed that efforts to eradicate corruption in West Papua have not been maximized.

One of the causes can be seen from the lack of seriousness of law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

Records of the handling of cases of alleged corruption by the High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) and the West Papua Regional Police still have pending cases before the court table.

"Since 2020, the West Papua Prosecutor's Office has investigated cases of alleged financial abuse with indications of corruption in the management of grant funds in the fields of religion and student affairs at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of West Papua Province, but there has been no progress so far," he said. the peak of the 16th anniversary of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia), Manokwari, Antara, Thursday, December 9.

Warinussy also reviewed the case for the construction of the Aisandam Health Center in Teluk Wondama Regency to the alleged misuse of grant funds for the Tipari Foundation from the South Sorong Regency Government which is currently under investigation by the West Papua Regional Police.

"In my opinion, this pile of arrears cases should have been raised to the investigation stage, because there are indications that the state losses are very large in them," he said.

Warinussy said that the commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day aims to increase public awareness of corruption and the role of conventions in fighting and preventing corruption.

"The 16th anniversary of Hakordia on December 9, 2021, may be a milestone in promoting law enforcement in Papua, especially in West Papua Province," he said.

Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri on anti-corruption day invited all elements of the nation to get involved and take a role in building an anti-corruption culture.

"The theme 'One Solid Builds Anti-Corruption Culture', let us encourage you to leave the culture of corruption to stay away from corrupt behavior," Firli said at the peak of Hakordia's commemoration which was broadcast live through the KPK RI YouTube channel, Thursday.

He emphasized that all children of the nation are responsible for getting involved and taking a role in building an anti-corruption culture.

Firli said that the culture of corruption can lead to the failure of the state's goals, so through the commemoration of Hakordia 2021, he invites all elements of the nation to take actions related to eradicating corruption.

"We agree to continue to realize the goals of the state, protect all Indonesian people throughout Indonesia's bloodshed, promote public welfare and educate the nation's life, but of course we both have to agree that corruption must be eliminated because that will make the country's goals fail," said Firli Bahuri .

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