JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPR Puan Maharani quoted Soekarno's statement after the text of the proclamation on August 17, 1945 during a speech at the MPR Annual Session.

He said, quoting Soekarno's speech, this independent Indonesia must be eternal and eternal. Therefore, it is time for us to organize our country.

"The Indonesian proclamator, Bung Karno, shortly after delivering his speech on the text of the proclamation on August 17, 1945, he said that" We are now independent. There is no one more bond that binds our homeland. From now on, we are compiling Our Country! The Republic of Indonesia, eternal and eternal independence. God willing, God bless our independence! " said Puan in her speech, Friday, August 14.

He said, 3 days from now, August 17, the Indonesian people will celebrate the 75th independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The celebration of independence day is intended, in addition to respecting the services of heroes who have sacrificed body and soul so that we are independent and free from colonialism, as well is a momentum in reflecting back on the long journey of the Indonesian nation, which is full of dialectics in presenting dynamics, and forming a romantic wave, which leads to the civilization of the nation and state of Indonesia to become what it is today.

Independent Indonesia, he continued, is the determination of the fate of the nation and homeland in our own hands, to create an Indonesia that is independent, united, just and prosperous.

"The long journey of the Indonesian nation in building its strength to be able to determine the fate of the nation and its own homeland. During 75 years of building this strength, the Indonesian nation has experienced various developments, both in terms of state governance, democratic systems, government systems, development patterns, government administration , as well as relations between state institutions, "said Puan.

This PDIP politician said that building Indonesia has a very broad meaning, namely to develop in all areas of the life of the state and society towards the direction and ideals of independence as set out in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.

He added that the development objectives carried out by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia have been explicitly outlined in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, the fourth paragraph, namely

"To protect the entire Indonesian nation and all the blood of Indonesia, and to advance public welfare, to educate the nation's life, and to participate in implementing world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice," he said.

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