YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Regional Disaster Management Agency reminded residents on the banks of the Code River to remain aware of the potential for cold lava floods during the rainy season, especially when the eruption of Mount Merapi is still happening.

"More , December 9th.

According to him, rain with a high enough intensity will increase the potential for cold lava floods in the Code River which flows directly into the Boyong River located on Mount Merapi.

BPBD Yogyakarta City, he continued, has an observation post in Ngentak located on the Boyong River to monitor the discharge and water level of the river, especially during heavy rains.

"When the river water level reaches about 1.5 meters, it is possible for the material carried to arrive in Yogyakarta about 30 minutes later," he said.

Residents on the banks of the Code River will receive early warnings regarding the potential for river water level rise through the early warning system (EWS) equipment that has been installed on the river.

"When there is a warning, residents are asked to evacuate to a safe place. On all riverbanks, there are already evacuation routes and residents have been prepared by conducting simulations," he said.

He hopes that the Disaster Resilient Village (KTB) which is located on the banks of the river can help in the initial handling if there is an overflow of river water into residential areas.

All KTBs have also been asked to check the readiness of disaster management equipment such as water pumps, chainsaws, communication equipment, ropes, and others.

Meanwhile, the Head of Water Resources and Drainage of the Yogyakarta City Public Works and Housing and Settlement Areas Office (DPUPKP) Umi Akhsanti said that the anticipation of cold lava flooding or river water overflowing into settlements was carried out by building talut.

"The Code River is the most affected if there is a cold lava flood. That's why we are collaborating with the residential sector for structuring riverbanks," he said.

If a landslide occurs, repairs will be carried out followed by settlement arrangement, namely moving the house back three meters from the riverbank.

"If the residents don't want to, then we won't carry out repairs to the canal. Repairs will be made if the residents want to withdraw. It's also for their safety," he said.

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