AMBON - The TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa asked the public to report any involvement of TNI personnel in land disputes or other cases.

"If there are people who know of a case involving members of the TNI in terms of land and others, please report it, I'm sure we will enforce it," he said in Ambon, Maluku, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 9.

Asked about the land issue in Maluku, the TNI commander admitted that his party did not know if there was a land issue involving TNI personnel.

"I actually don't know, if the Military Commander knows, please report it to me. If you are involved in land issues, in what capacity," he said.

The Commander explained that his party is not the owner of the authority related to land issues, let the party who has the authority, namely the Regional Police Chief, Kejari or Attorney General's Office, in terms of enforcement.

It is certain that his party will enforce the rules, even though the authority to take action is not on his side.

"I promise we will help trace it and if we find any involvement, we will enforce the law," he said.

General Andika Perkasa hopes for cooperation from the community to help report TNI personnel who violate the law or act improperly.

And promised that the TNI would protect the whistleblower. Do not hesitate to report any deviations from TNI soldiers.

"I am sure, we will be able to process it quickly and take firm action. The TNI belongs to the people who are supposed to protect the citizens," he said.

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