LUMAJANG - Dozens of houses in Kamar Kajang Hamlet, Candipuro District, Lumajang Regency were submerged by materials brought by floods due to high intensity rains in the local area.

According to ANTARA's observations at the location of the incident, heavy rain occurred on Wednesday, December 8, it rained for an hour.

The Kamar Kajang area is an area affected by aftershocks due to hot clouds falling from Mount Semeru after several other hamlets were submerged in sand mixed with rocks, such as Kampung Renteng and Curah Koboan.

The four-meter wide asphalt road is covered with ash mixed with mud, and running water can still be seen at some points.

Meanwhile, dozens of local residents came to see the condition of his submerged house.

Officers and volunteers also made efforts to clean roads using heavy equipment so that they could be passed, especially for the smooth process of evacuating residents.

A number of residents said they were shocked when they found out that their house had a roof and some did not have time to save their valuables.

"Since the incident last Saturday (4/12), I have evacuated with my family because the house was affected. But now the house has been submerged by sand," said Yudi, a resident of the Kajang Chamber.

While showing his house, the 49-year-old man did not expect to experience the same fate as residents in several other locations whose houses were submerged in sand and material. He hopes to get assistance from the government regarding housing, including efforts to relocate to another location.

"I actually still want to live in this area. But I also follow the agreement of the residents here," he said.

On Saturday, December 4, there was an increase in the activity of Mount Semeru which released hot clouds of avalanches and impacted the area around the 3,676 meters high mountain above sea level (masl).

Hundreds of residents were forced to flee to various safe places to escape the hot clouds from the highest volcano on the island of Java.

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