JAKARTA - Program Director of the Fan Campus Rehabilitation Center, Hendra Haeruman, said that the defendant and artist couple Nia Ramadhani and her husband, Ardiansyah Bakrie, belonged to the category of moderate to mild drug dependence.

Hendra Haeruman is one of the fact witnesses presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) at the follow-up hearing of the alleged drug abuse case at the Central Jakarta District Court, Thursday, December 9.

In his testimony, Hendra stated that apart from Nia and Ardi, the other defendant, namely personal driver Zen Vivanto, was also said to be in the moderate to mild category of dependence on methamphetamine substances on shabu.

"When viewed from the symptoms, based on the 'assessment' that we carried out, the category of severity of the defendant was towards mild. The substance disorder was not that severe," said Hendra.

Hendra explained that one of the considerations for rehabilitation is the length of time a person uses drugs.

In this case, the three defendants are said to have used drugs for three months.

Hendra explained that the three defendants, namely Nia, Ardi and their personal driver, began undergoing rehabilitation at the Fan Campus Rehabilitation Center since July 10, 2021 based on a referral from the Central Jakarta Metro Police.

The condition of the three defendants when they entered the rehabilitation center was said to be tired and lethargic because of a series of legal processes that were taking place at the Central Jakarta Metro Police. The defendants have now been undergoing rehabilitation for five months.

"In our opinion, the development is very good. Because when we look at substance use disorders, it's not only about substance levels, but also behavior," said Hendra.

In this second trial, the agenda was to hear testimony from witnesses from the Public Prosecutor.

The three witnesses presented by the public prosecutor were household assistant Pandjiyanto, clinical psychologist Senja Kurnia, and Program Director of the Fan Campus Rehabilitation Center Hendra Haeruman.

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