JAKARTA - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed tougher COVID-19 restrictions in the UK on Wednesday, ordering people to work from home (WFH), wear masks in public and use vaccine certificates to slow the spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

PM Johnson said the fast-spreading variant of Omicron left him with no choice but to move to 'Plan B' while a vaccine booster program was launched.

While still a long way from the full lockdown imposed earlier in the pandemic, the new measures have been described as a 'hammer blow' for downtown restaurants, cafes and shops that desperately need a Christmas trade to rebuild their finances.

Many lawmakers in Johnson's own party are also angered by the new restrictions, worried about the repercussions after the economy shrank by 10 percent last year.

"While the picture may be getting better, and I sincerely hope it will, we know that the logic of relentless exponential growth could lead to a huge increase in hospitalizations and therefore, unfortunately, in deaths," said PM Johnson at a news conference, citing Reuters 9 December.

The Pound Sterling exchange rate fell sharply, when news first emerged on Wednesday, that 'Plan B' measures were imminent and investors were reducing their 'bets' on a Bank of England rate hike next week.

PM Johnson, who lifted most of the UK's COVID-19 restrictions in July following the rapid rollout of a vaccine, has vowed to navigate winter without resorting to a fourth COVID-19 lockdown, but has kept the so-called Plan B in reserve.

Part of those measures, such as reintroducing masks on public transport and in shops, have been implemented, but on Wednesday Johnson said people should also now work from home.

Face masks will be required in public places such as theaters and cinemas, with a COVID-19 clearance going to be mandatory for access to nightclubs and places with large crowds.

PM Johnson further stressed that new measures were needed after 568 cases of Omicron were found in the country, with data showing the time for infections to multiply could be between two and three days. However, PM Johnson said COVID restrictions could not last forever. Countries may need to have 'conversations' about what to do, when large sections of the population refuse to get vaccines.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Sajid Javid said officials estimate the true number of Omicron infections is about 20 times higher than the number of confirmed cases, meaning they could be close to 10,000.

Please note, apart from the UK, COVID-19 restrictions in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are set independently, with those countries having set more stringent rules.

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