JAKARTA - Governor Ganjar Pranowo specifically requested that three regions in Central Java where the vaccine achievement rate was not yet 70 percent, could accelerate the implementation of vaccination. The three areas are Tegal Regency, Brebes Regency and Pemalang Regency.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after attending a virtual coordination meeting on the readiness to implement PPKM Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022, Acceleration of Vaccination and Regional Budget Expenditures and the Poverty Coordination Meeting led by the Minister of Home Affairs, Wednesday, December 8.

In his directive, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, appealed to local governments to speed up vaccinations again. Nataru's momentum must be used as well as possible so that the average vaccination target of 70 percent is achieved.

"There are three districts that I have contacted with the regent, one is Brebes Regency, Pemalang Regency and Tegal Regency," he said.

"Because the percentage is still small, even though it's already above 50 (percent), we want an average of 70 (percent) that's the President's order, right," added Ganjar.

Ganjar emphasized that the local governments in the three regencies should be able to accelerate vaccination. Especially now that there are more vaccines.

"The president has provided many facilities, now there is no reason why there are so many vaccines," he said.

The President's order regarding the vaccine achievement target, said Ganjar, must be executed immediately. Ganjar said his party is willing to help if the area is not able to accelerate the vaccine.

"I think that what the president said we should implement in the field, we will provide assistance to these three districts if later he can't afford it," he said.

The three regions, Ganjar continued, were given a target for the next two weeks to boost the implementation of vaccinations.

"I ask for two weeks to be fully boosted. If we can't, we must muster the strength to help in these three places so that there will be a significant increase," said Ganjar.

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