JAKARTA - The National Police's Disaster Victim Investigation (DVI) team received the bodies of 30 victims of the Mount Semeru eruption, to be identified at the Haryoto Lumajang Hospital, East Java.

Head of the Public Information Section of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Kombes Ahmad Ramdhan, said that 10 of the 30 bodies received had been identified by the team.

"So 10 have been identified. Meanwhile, 10 more are still being processed, so there are 20 that are being processed. While 10 more are still under post-mortem examination," Ramadhan said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 7.

The team identified 10 bodies, consisting of six male bodies and four female bodies. "Five bodies have been handed over to the families," he said.

The police appealed to people who lost their family members to report to the DVI Police Command Post, either the post mortem or ante mortem posts at the Haryoto Hospital.

He also ensured that the bodies that had been identified would be facilitated in handing over to the families.

"After the body is identified, the Police and Haryoto Hospital immediately hand it over to the family. And the Police and the Regional Hospital facilitate, deliver it to the family or to the place of burial," he said.

Five bodies were identified, namely Bangun Triyono (33), Faidi (70), both of which were male.

Meanwhile, the three female bodies, namely Lulu (49), Yatipak (60) and Bu Oni (55), all have their addresses at Grobogan Bulk.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East Java Regional Police Medical Center, Kombes Erwin Zainul Hakim, explained that one body was a burn patient who died in the ICU, with the identity of Mr. Edy Pramono (35).

Then four other bodies, labeled 005, were identified through two secondary identifications, namely medical characteristics and property, on behalf of Daffa (15), a man from Sumber Wono Hamlet.

Body bag with label number 006, identified through a secondary identification process, medical characteristics and property, with the name Roni (35). Both 007's body bags were identified through the secondary identification process, on behalf of Noman Kafelaulisa (19), a woman from Sumber Wono Hamlet.

The body, labeled 008, identified two medical and property characteristics on behalf of Alvan (23), a man from Sumber Wono Hamlet.

"Today, while three more bodies are being processed, please pray that the identification process can be carried out soon," said Erwin.

Erwin added, to speed up the identification process, the DVI Team supports the participation of people who feel that their family has been hit by a disaster to carry out the antemortem data collection process. So that the identification process can immediately be determined and the process decided.

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