JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Sudin Gulkarmat) managed to evacuate two snakes with different species from two locations. The evacuation was carried out after reports from the public were worried about the existence of these wild animals.

Head of the Operations Section of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Silaeman, said that initially, a resident named Hani reported the appearance of a cobra at the house on Jalan Penganten Ali III, RT 07/06, Ciracas Village, Ciracas District at 20.40 WIB.

"After searching for objects, the results were nil. Possibility of escaping through a water control tank that penetrated the Ministry of Manpower," said Head of the Operations Section of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot when contacted by reporters, Friday, December 3.

Furthermore, on Friday, December 3, in the early hours of the morning, officers received another report from a Ciracas resident named Agus. Residents reported requests for snake evacuation to Gulkarmat officers. Evacuation was also carried out by the rescue team for rescue.

"The second snake evacuation was carried out on Jalan Nisin RT 07/07, Ciracas District. From this location, officers evacuated a three-meter-long python from inside the residents' bathroom," he said.

According to the Head of Operations Section of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., the python was a resident's pet that was released. However, the owner's whereabouts are unknown.

Then on Friday morning, Gulkarmat officers again received a report of the presence of a python on Jalan Mawar, No. 25, RT 012/09, Makasar District.

"The 210 cm long snake is behind the wooden planks of a resident's house. The snake has been successfully evacuated and will be released into its natural habitat," said East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Operations Section Head, Gatot Silaeman.

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