JAKARTA - Russia has admitted that it has arrested three suspected Ukrainian intelligence agents, including one accused of planning to carry out attacks using two improvised bombs. However, this Russian accusation denied by Kiev as a fabrication.

The arrests came amid Ukrainian and Western concerns over the deployment of Russian troops near Ukraine.

Moscow denies planning an invasion and accuses Ukraine of stationing its own troops in the east of the country.

Russia's FSB security service said in a statement that a suspected Ukrainian military intelligence officer had been caught red-handed with two bombs smuggled across the border.

The FSB said two other people, suspected agents of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), had been trying to gather intelligence in Russia and film transport infrastructure and strategically important companies.

Ukraine's military intelligence agency declined to comment. The SBU, meanwhile, denies Russia's accusations.

"Such statements by the FSB should be viewed exclusively through the prism of hybrid warfare, where ... propaganda and the spread of false statements play an important role," he said.

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