JAKARTA - Polda Metro examined dozens of people from outside the DKI Jakarta area who wanted to take part in the 212 Reunion at the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta.

"There were 20 to 30 people who were asked for information. Some were asked where they came from, where their ID cards were, what their purpose was, did they know that this was not banned by the government," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan in Jakarta, Thursday 2 November.

Zulpan said that the dozens of people examined and recorded by the officers were dominated by youths from areas around Jakarta.

"Young people come from outside Jakarta, like Cianjur," he said as quoted by Antara.

After being investigated, the youths admitted that they did not know that Reunion 212 was canceled at the Horse Statue because they did not get permission.

The youths were then sent home after being advised not to cause crowds and to comply with health protocols.

Polda Metro Jaya stated that licensing for the 212 Reunion in the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta, is under the authority of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

"The Horse Statue is not under the permit of the Polda Metro. But the local government. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government does not issue a permit," said Zulpan.

Zulpan said the DKI Jakarta Province COVID-19 Task Force did not provide recommendations for this activity.

Because there is no recommendation from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the DKI Jakarta COVID-19 Task Force, the Polda Metro Jaya has not issued a crowd permit for the 212 Reunion.

"Then there must also be a recommendation from the COVID-19 Task Force in the midst of this pandemic situation. The DKI Jakarta Provincial COVID-19 Task Force does not provide a permit recommendation to the committee," he said.

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