JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD emphasized that the government has been committed to eradicating corruption. "Since the beginning of the reform, the government has been committed to preventing and preventing corruption and taking action against corruption, both corruption in the form of looting and bribery of state money," said Mahfud at the Stranas PK Discussion event - Preventing Corruption Through Digitizing Case Handling and Strengthening the Integrity of Law Enforcement Officials, broadcast on the StranasPK Official Youtube channel, in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 2. The effort to eradicate corruption is by taking concrete steps through the issuance of policies- policies that form the basis for and provide support in efforts to prevent and eradicate criminal acts. Such as the establishment of the KPK, the Judicial Commission to supervise judges, and the establishment of the Constitutional Court to oversee corruption at the level of legislation. bureaucracy in daily activities, he said, the government has also made rules, for example the existence of digital applications under the electronic-based government E-Government program.

Apart from that, he said, the government has also reduced echelons in whose area of authority it is suspected that corruption in certain echelons has occurred, especially extortion and extortion in making regulations and making decisions. Mahfud said this was in line with the Law and National Human Rights in order to realize quality law enforcement by encouraging the integration of the criminal justice system. Information Technology-Based Integrated (SPPT-TI). The system, said Mahfud, was created so that the public knows the ins and outs of handling cases and so that state institutions are also bound to each other not to play games with the case. "As an important element in the implementation of the criminal justice system in the future of Indonesia, we will continue to provide SPPT TI develop it," said Mahfud. The government hopes that this policy will change the process towards an electronic-based government system where the occurrence of corruption can be controlled quickly. good.” Until now, this problem still occurs sometimes. A case that has been decided, for example, has a sentence of six years, suddenly becomes 6 months after it is written. Because of what? There was no digitization process at that time. So that in the past, the so-called judicial mafia was often noisy, not with judges, but in the minutation process, the delivery process and so on," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. focuses on licensing and commerce, state finances, and law enforcement and bureaucratic reform. Thus, he continued, this TI SPPT as a strategy for digitizing the national criminal law enforcement process must be considered as part of the Presidential Decree Number 54 of 2018. One of the goals of The implementation of SPPT TI is to optimize the use of information and communication technology in the process of handling criminal cases, especially in terms of exchanging data and information between law enforcement agencies involved in the criminal justice system. criminal, said di a, the development of the SPPT TI is also directed at organizing the management system or administrative system for handling criminal cases into an administrative system that is integrated and synergized between LBH. when, to what month, can be controlled by those involved in the system. Therefore, through the development of the TI SPPT, it is hoped that it will facilitate and expedite the duties of law enforcement agencies in the process of handling criminal cases and as part of the support system for ethical control and strengthening integrity to avoid abuse. authority and prevent behavior corrupt." If people are lazy, they will also be caught from this digitization process. Not being caught by his behavior, unethical attitudes that might not be appropriate, but the delay itself will reveal why this happened, why it was hampered there and so on, it can be traced from here," said the former Minister of Defense. Information technology-based systems are also expected to ensure increased transparency and accountability of the criminal case handling process in general. "In addition to ensuring the availability, accuracy, accuracy, and speed in obtaining and processing information data in the context of quality law enforcement and in the context of achieving development goals, nationally," said Mahfud MD.

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