JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin issued Guideline Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Granting of Attorney General's Permit for Summons, Investigations, Searches, Arrests and Detention of Prosecutors Suspected of Committing Criminal Offenses. These guidelines were signed on Thursday, 6 August 2020.

Quoted from Guideline Number 7 of 2020, Tuesday, August 11, reported by Antara, prosecutors need to be given protection in carrying out their profession without being intimidated, improper interference or exposures that have not been verified.

These guidelines stipulate that summons, examinations, searches, arrests and detention of prosecutors who are suspected of committing criminal acts can only be carried out with the permission of the Attorney General.

Furthermore, to obtain the Attorney General's permit, the applicant agency must apply for a permit to summon, examine, search, arrest, and detain prosecutors who are suspected of committing a criminal act.

The application must be accompanied by the required documents such as a notification letter for the commencement of an investigation, a report or complaint, a resume of investigation / investigation progress report and a report on the examination of witnesses.

If the results of the examination are declared incomplete, inconsistent with or do not have urgency to summon, examine, search, arrest and detain the Prosecutor concerned, the General Assistant Attorney General, Special Assistant Attorney General, or other official appointed by the Attorney General shall give consideration to the Attorney General to reject the request for a permit from the applicant's agency.

Approval or rejection of the application for the Attorney General's permit shall be submitted by the Assistant General Attorney General, Special Assistant to the Attorney General, or other officials appointed to the head of the investigating agency no later than two working days from the issuance of the Attorney General's permit approval.

However, this guideline is not required for prosecutors caught in the act of committing a crime. If this happens, the head of the work unit immediately coordinates with other relevant agencies to take steps and provide legal assistance to prosecutors who have been caught in the act of committing a crime.

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