JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) appealed to the public, especially nature lovers who want to carry out outdoor activities, to consider the weather conditions of the BMKG to avoid calamities.

"For example, students who want to carry out activities in the mountains or climbing should be aware of areas that have the potential to rain within the next week," said BNPB Head of Operational Control Center (Pusdalop) Bambang Surya Putra in Jakarta, Monday, December 23.

This needs to be considered considering the terrain that will be traversed when climbing and the potential for natural disasters in that location. He explained that the appeal to pay attention to weather monitoring considerations from BMKG is globally important, especially for people in areas that are still in the rainy season period.

Moreover, he continued, if you want to do activities in the wild, for example rock climbing, it will be quite risky to do it during the rainy season because the terrain traversed is slippery so there is the potential for accidents.

Likewise with cave tracing activities, it is also hoped that the community and nature lovers will temporarily postpone their agenda, especially in areas that are still affected by the rainy season.

Because, he said, underground rivers will experience a significant increase in water levels during the rainy season, so cave tracing is quite risky.

This is also related to the existence of three students who died while tracing a cave in Tanah Bereum, Taman Sari Village, Pangkalan District, Karawang Regency on Sunday, December 22, 2019.

Based on the coordination between BNPB and BMKG, the rainy season is estimated to still occur in a number of areas, especially Sumatra and Java Islands until April 2020. "For the island of Sumatra it has been happening since the last month, while Java has just entered the rainy season," he said.

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