PAPUA - Trigana Air, which also serves cargo flights to the central highlands of Papua, has ensured that the transportation of canned or packaged drinks to the region increases ahead of Christmas and New Year.

Trigana Wamena manager Michael Biduri said canned drinks are one item that is loaded a lot in addition to the needs of nine other basic ingredients.

"Towards the end of the year, the dominant cargo load is basic necessities such as soft drinks, chicken meat, so we are indeed seeing an increase," he said in Wamena as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 1.

Previously, items that were needed by residents ahead of the holiday were also transported through the Trans Papua, Jayapura-Yalimo-Jayawijaya road so that flight cargo had decreased.

"But the road problems began to occur, so there was a tremendous increase in cargo transportation," he said.

Although he did not specify how many canned drinks were transported each day, he confirmed that Trigana's cargo contained more basic necessities and many packaged drinks were transported.

In a day, five Boeing cargo flights can be carried out, depending on the weather.

"This surge in cargo shows that the economy in Lapago is starting to show a good trend. But on the one hand, this surge has also caused a shortage of goods or products," he said.

Michael ensured that the current situation was better than when the number of COVID-19 increased and disrupted the cargo aviation sector.

"Unlike 5-6 months ago, for cargo only sometimes we have to wait for goods. With COVID-19 cases starting to decline, the economic boom is extraordinary, we are starting to feel," he said.

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