PUTUSSUBAU - Head of the Village and Community Empowerment Service of Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, Alfiansyah said the village fund budget in 2022 was around Rp. 250.1 billion, down from the 2021 village fund of Rp. 276 billion.

"The decrease in the village fund budget did not only occur in Kapuas Hulu, but also throughout Indonesia, because of the budget cut for handling COVID-19," said Alfiansyah, in Putussibau, Wednesday, December 1.

He said the reduction in village funds must be understood by the village, with the current budget constraints the village must be able to utilize the budget as much as possible.

According to him, each village must further strengthen Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), so that they are more productive and can bring in village income, which can be used for development in the village itself.

"I emphasize that villages should further strengthen BUMDes to be more productive, don't just focus on the village fund budget which has decreased, the village head must be creative," he said.

Villages have special authority in managing and developing and building through village funds compiled in the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes).

"Actually, the government has given special authority to villages, depending on the village itself in utilizing village funds for the progress of their villages," explained Alfiansyah. 19, and social activities such as health and education.

"What I always emphasize is related to BUMDes and the use of village funds based on deliberation and openness in the use of village funds, don't let village funds only be used for the benefit of a group or group without any openness to the community, the technical instructions for the use of village funds are clear," said Alfiansyah. .

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