PAMEKASAN - COVID-19 vaccination in Pamekasan Regency, East Java is now starting to target salt farmers as an effort to expand vaccination coverage in the region.

According to the Commander of Kodim 0826 Pamekasan Lt. Col. Tejo Baskoro, salt farmers were targeted for vaccination because the percentage of people being vaccinated in this group was still low.

"Therefore, we made special efforts through the approach of village officials and salt business groups in Pamekasan to vaccinate them," said Dandim, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 30.

The salt farmers in Pamekasan are spread over three sub-districts, namely Pademawu, Galis and Tlanakan sub-districts.

Of the three sub-districts, which were the targets of the first vaccination, the farmers in the Galis sub-district. In this sub-district, vaccinations are held in each village, such as in Lembang Village.

According to the Temporary Officer (Pjs) of Danramil Galis Peltu Agus Santoso, many salt farmers have participated in the vaccination program in the village, and they are very enthusiastic.

"A total of 219 participants have participated in the vaccination that we held at the Lembung Village Hall, Galis District yesterday, and this proves that residents have started to realize the importance of vaccines for health," said Danramil.

The vaccination, which was held at night on November 29, 2021, did not only target the productive age group, but also the elderly.

Peltu Agus Santoso explained that the COVID-19 vaccination was deliberately intensified, as a form of anticipation, considering that the government is now implementing the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) level 3 until December 2, 2022.

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