JAKARTA – The increase in passengers at several terminals in Jakarta during the Christmas and New Year holidays occurs from year to year. To avoid unwanted incidents, a joint military and police officers will guard several terminals.

The Kalideres Terminal manager admitted that his party had coordinated with joint officers to anticipate criminal acts such as pickpockets and hypnosis at the terminal during the 2022 Christmas and New Year holidays.

"We anticipate street crimes such as pickpockets by collaborating with the Kalideres Police and the TNI", said Head of Kalideres Terminal, Revi Zulkarnaen, when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 30.

Later, some personnel and terminal officers will conduct surveillance at several terminal points. Their job is to monitor some residents who are considered suspicious and want to commit crimes.

Plainclothes police officers will also spread throughout the area to monitor the movements of suspicious passengers.

However, Revi did not explain how many joint officers would be under surveillance later.

"The point is how passengers can feel safe and comfortable. Officers also help oversee the process", he said.

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